Green Man Captures Koura / Green Man Temple

1.Main Titles
2.Homunculus Drops Tablet On Sinbad's Ship
3.Sinbad's Dream
4.The Storm (Kojra Calls) / Marabia
5.Koura Chases Sinbad To Vizier's City
6.Vizier Receives Sinbad
7.Two Tablets / Maps
8.Belly Dancing (Sinbad's Ship)
9.Homunculus Explodes
10.Sinbad In Harkim's Market / Sinbad Throws Harkim's Bodyguard
11.Sinbad Meets Margiana / Margiana Boards Sinbad's Ship / Haroun Appears On Deck
12.Ship At Night / Sinbad And Margiana / Koura's Guides Siren To Chart / Sinbad And Crew Fight Siren / Haroun Lute / Lemuria
13.Landing On Lemuria
14.Kali Dance
15.Green Man Captures Koura / Green Man Temple
16.Making Another Homunculus
17.Medium Speaks / Oracle Appears / Oracle Speech / Oracle Disappears / Koura Lights Fuse
18.Escape From The Temple
19.Koura Praying By Fountain / Centaur Attacks Sinbad / Centaur & Griffin Fight / Centaur Kills Griffin / Sinbad Stabs Centaur / Sinbad Fights Invisible Koura / Crown Of Many Riches / End Titles
20.Centaur Appears / Koura's Prayers Bring Down Rocks / Koura Enters Fountain Of Destiny
21.Lute Strings / Sinbad Arrives At Temple
22.Koura Challenges Sinbad / Kali Fight / Green Men Put Margiana In Pit
24.Arrival Of The Homunculus
25.The Dream
26.The Storm
27.Marabia Beach
28.Koura's Pursuit
29.The Destiny
30.The Siren
31.Night Time
32.Making Of The Humunculus
33.Escape From The Temple
34.Fountain Of Destiny
35.The Chart
36.Temple Of The Oracle
37.Koura's End
38.Sinbad Discovers Koura / Sinbad Fights Kali
39.The Centaur / Death Of The Centaur
40.Sinbad's Decision