Windsequenzen (1975 / 2002): Seven Sequences of the Whirlwind

1.Windsequenzen (1975 / 2002): Windless I
2.Intervalles-Intérieurs (1974 / 1981)
3.Windsequenzen (1975 / 2002): Three Sequences of the Mountain Wind
4.Windsequenzen (1975 / 2002): Seven Sequences of the Whirlwind
5.Windsequenzen (1975 / 2002): Sequence of the Morning Breeze
6.Windsequenzen (1975 / 2002): Four Sequences of the Sea Wind – North Wind
7.Windsequenzen (1975 / 2002): Four Sequences of the Sea Wind - South Wind
8.Windsequenzen (1975 / 2002): Four Sequences of the Sea Wind - East-West Wind
9.Windsequenzen (1975 / 2002): Windless II