1.Hasapikos Urban Dance
2.Romeikos Urban Dance of Constantinople
3.Zonaradikos Urban Dance
4.How Hard It Is My Dear (Love Song)
5.In the Depths of My Heart (Scholarly Song)
6.Kratima at the Entrance
7.Kratima by Daniel the Protopsaltis
8.The Artistic Lesson, The So-Called Great System
9.Pesrev in Makam Kurdi and Ousoul Berefsan
10.Kratima the Psaltira by Georgios Ikonomos or Prasinos
11.Kratima by Petros Lampadarios the Pelloponisian
12.Taksim in the First Plagal Mode and Fragment of Calophonic Hirmos by Petros Bereketis
13.Two Greek Dances of Constantinople Kerchief-Dance in Rhythm of 7 Beats and Belt-Dance in Rhythm of 6 Beats
14.Kratima by Panagiotis Halatzoglou
15.What Great Power (Moral Love Song)
16.Ballos Urban Dance
17.Kratima by Meletios the Sinaitis