The Passion of Yeshua:Part II Scene 12: Via Dolorosa: Nigas vehu na'aneh … (He was oppressed) (Miryam Magdala, Narrator, Yeshua, Miryam, Chorus)

1.The Passion of Yeshua:Part II Scene 10: Yeshua Before Pilate: Ashira na Li'y'di'-di (Let me sing for my beloved) (Miryam Magdala, Narrator, Pilate, Chorus, Yeshua)
2.The Passion of Yeshua:Part I Scene 1: Prologue: Mi he'emin lishmuatenu (Who has believed what we have heard?) (Chorus)
3.The Passion of Yeshua:Part I Scene 6: Gethsemane: Bekha Adonai khasiti (In you Lord I take refuge) (Miryam, Narrator, Yeshua)
4.The Passion of Yeshua:Part I Scene 3: Ritual/Duet: Mah Nishtanah ha laylah … (Why is this night different…) (Miryam Magdala, Miryam, Chorus)
5.The Passion of Yeshua:Part I Scene 4: Betrayal: When Yeshua had spoken (Narrator, Yeshua)
6.The Passion of Yeshua:Part I: Intermezzo - Scene 5: In the Valley of the Shadow of Death: Gam ki eilech (Yes, though I walk) (Chorus, Yeshua, Kefa)
7.The Passion of Yeshua:Part I Scene 7: Interlude: Ve kulanu catzon ta'inu (And all we like sheep) (Chorus)
8.The Passion of Yeshua:Part I Scene 2: Pesach: Now before the Feast of Pesach (Narrator, Yeshua, Chorus)
9.The Passion of Yeshua:Part II Scene 9: Kefa's Denial: Ki Sha'ma'ti dibat rabim … (All I hear is whispering) (Miryam, Narrator, Chorus, Kefa)
10.The Passion of Yeshua:Part II Scene 8: In the Palace of the High Priest: They who had seized Yeshua led him to Kayafa (Narrator, Kayafa, Chorus, Yeshua)
11.The Passion of Yeshua:Part II Scene 14: Epilogue: Hen avdi et moch-bo (Behold my servant whom I uphold) (Chorus)
12.The Passion of Yeshua:Part II Scene 11: Behold the Man: Pilate went outside again (Narrator, Pilate, Chorus, Miryam Magdala, Miryam)
13.The Passion of Yeshua:Part II Scene 13: Darkness over the Land: He saved others (Chorus, Narrator, Yeshua)
14.The Passion of Yeshua:Part II Scene 12: Via Dolorosa: Nigas vehu na'aneh … (He was oppressed) (Miryam Magdala, Narrator, Yeshua, Miryam, Chorus)