Into a Trap Surely so Elaborately Laid Air Has Entered and a Splendid, Beautiful Monster Now Swims (Part 2) [Live]

1.Into a Trap Surely so Elaborately Laid Air Has Entered and a Splendid, Beautiful Monster Now Swims (Part 1) [Live]
2.Into a Trap Surely so Elaborately Laid Air Has Entered and a Splendid, Beautiful Monster Now Swims (Part 3) [Live]
3.Excess + Analysis / Courage = (Part 1) [Live]
4.Into a Trap Surely so Elaborately Laid Air Has Entered and a Splendid, Beautiful Monster Now Swims (Part 2) [Live]
5.Excess + Analysis / Courage = (Part 2) [Live]
6.Excess + Analysis / Courage = (Part 3) [Live]