... and as if awaken from eternal sleephe sought a mentorfor he no longer knew his position"
It is time after miraclesand
I am its prophet
I have not come to curebut to bear witness decease""
It is the place where blood and soillie beyond the boundaries of the sunand
I am its prophet
I cast the shadow
I absorb the light""
I am the prophet
I bear witness
I absorbI cry""
As I dieI shall burst wide open
As I dieI shall release the apocalypsemy prophecy
Thus, I hold on to faith
Thus, I keep the hope
That it will prosperand devour""
It is time after miraclesand
I am its prophet
I have not come to curebut to bear witness decease"... and pain joined his urge to perceive
1.The Eruption
4.The Prophet
5.In The Wordless Chamber
6.The Tongue Of Fire
8.He Who Sought The Fire
9.Thorns On My Grave