Bullet to Binary

Let us die, Let us die
Then dying we reply,
oh dont you tell us
about your suffering,
now look in our eyes-
look in our eyes.
Let us be, Let us be
Our closeness is such that
where ever she rests her head
in the softness underneath,
She'll feel me and you'll
feel me
Je leverai les yeux a toi-
J'ai change cent foi de nom
Je leverai les yeux a toi-
Je n'ai pas d'espoir.
(I adjourn thine eyes to thee
I changed a hundred faiths of the name
I adjourn thine eyes to thee
I have no hope.)
When you laugh you'll feel
my breath there filling up
your lungs. And when you cry
those arent your tears but Im
there falling down your cheek.
And when you say you love him
taste me, Im like poison on
your tongue. But when your
tired, if your quiet, you'll
hear me singing you to sleep.
1.Bullet to Binary
2.The Ghost
3.Nice and Blue
6.Be Still Child
7.We Know Who Our Enemies Are
8.I Never Said That I Was Brave
11.The Cure for Pain
12.Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt