In the Grip of Winter

Let in the white
Nothing in sight
Stumbling thru the snow and ice
Blinded by forces you can't control
Just to stay alive your only goal
Caught within the grip of winter
Hyperberic nightmare reigns
A rotten hysteria sets in
Body goes numb as your brain
Legs go numb
Panic strikes
So you then light a fire
Put your legs in the flames
Hoping for a rush of pain
Flesh burns right to the core
Spits blood from every pore
Smell your skin peel away
For your life a small price to pay
Running in searing pain
Rational thoughts
Are quickly slain
Take in your last cold breath
As you fall to your backsnapping death
1.Hole in the Head
2.Torn from the Womb
3.Destined to Fester
4.Twisted Mass of Burnt Decay
5.In the Grip of Winter
6.Mental Funeral
7.Dark Crusade
9.Robbing the Grave