Blazing a trail towards a new life
Has someone heard about intruders?
We have just seen her
And who is she, where does she come from?
She has something strange...
My premonition, go and follow here!
Hey little boy, why are you alone?
She might be everything I need
She's talking to the child
That brat again another threat...
Who cares about him?
I've seen her halo, I sense her strength
I fell there is life around me
The world is beating again
Its vibrant harmony strengthens my faith
What's she doing here?
What has she come for?
Why should we rely on her attitude?
We don't want her here
What has she come for?
Why should we rely on a stranger?
How must we act now?
Fulfill! Fulfill my ambition!
She cannot be stopped
She means my immortality
I feel there is life around me
The world is beating again
It's vibrant harmony strengthens my faith
We don't want her here
What has she come for?
Why should we rely on a stranger?
Go back, vade retro!
1.Call from a Rising Memory (Intro)
2.Sentenced to Life
3.Shadow of the Throne
4.Allegory of Faith, Innocence and Future
5.A Journey's End (Intro)
6.Sceneries of Hope
7.The Wanderer
8.Blazing a Trail
9.Oihuka Bihotzetik
10.Hidden Reality
11.Ex Nihilo