The Slumber of Yesteryears

Yesterday never died - it just went into hiding
It lies slumbering at the bottom of a deep, dark lake
Hidden in the woods of my time
There was no path to follow, but
I found my way
I had been lost for long
Forlorn in the woods
I knew so well
I didn't quite know what
I was looking for
But still
I found it - or did it find me?
I couldn't see a way to this place
But from where
I stand now
I can see it all.
I can see how bright the stars shine at night.
I can see how the sun wakes life from it's slumber
And I see how the snow cradles it back to sleep again.
I see my way back home but
I never want to leave this place.
1.Till Valfader Urgammal
2.Ways of a Parasite
4.Sweoland Conqueror
5.Home Again
6.The Breaking of Serenity
11.The Slumber of Yesteryears