Keep The Dog Quiet

My body is a cage
This union is cage about a cage about a cage
And this, and this town too
I'll see you once in a while but I can't be seen with you
This place is a narrative mess
The floor a tangle of bedsheets and battered sundress
The ink has dried in the well
The journey once was consequential
Now: sequential, sequential, sequential, sequential
When will you silence your hounds?
The eldest sons to the altar of the Eternal Sound
Their blood is spilled at the dawn
A nation bound to your will, still, the violin plays on
Plays its devotional song
Once it was, once it was so essential
Now: sequential, sequential, sequential, sequential
1.Red Sun No. 5
2.Tryst With Mephistopheles
3.Midnight Directives
4.Lewis Takes Action
5.Lewis Takes Off His Shirt
6.Keep The Dog Quiet
7.Mount Alpentine
8.The Great Elsewhere
9.Oh Heartland, Up Yours!
10.Flare Gun
11.E Is For Estranged
12.What Do You Think Will Happen Now?