This is a story about people who like to waste time
Waste my time
Waste your time
Waste their time
But time is against them
Time is everyone's master
Including them
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
Three piggies standing in the dock
Their pockets all empty and bare
Their futures their homes nowhere
With egos they decide to lead
With stupidity they bruise and bleed
What comfort they could have had
Is now gone and up for grabs
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
Three piggies standing in the dock
Their snouts all bloody and red
They should have said goodbye instead
Auf wiedersehen
Do widzenia
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
Three piggies standing in the dock
Their pockets all empty and bare
Their futures their homes nowhere
With egos they decide to lead
With stupidity they bruise and bleed
What comfort they could have had
Is now gone and up for grabs
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
Three piggies standing in the dock
Their snouts all bloody and red
They should have said goodbye instead
Auf wiedersehen
Arrivederci piggie
Tick Tock - Death in June
1.All Pigs Must Die
2.Flies Have Their House
3.We Said Destroy II
4.Tick Tock
5.We Said Destroy III
6.Disappear In Every Way
7.No Pig Day (Some Night We're Going to Party Like It's 1969)
8.The Enemy Within
9.With Bad Blood
10.Lords of the Sties
11.Ride Out!