Goodby Mass (In a Chapel Bodily Termination)

Sitting on a hard chair, try to sit straight
坐在干硬的椅子上 试着坐直
Sitting on a hard chair, this moment won't wait
坐在干硬的椅子上 不需要再为此刻等待
Listening to the speakers; they're talking about you
Look at all the people, all the people you know
Sitting with my back straight, it becomes hard to hear
我坐着 挺直脊梁 听不清声音
Some people are crying; it becomes hard to hear
有人在哭 什么也听不清
I don't think you'd have liked it; you would have made a joke
我不觉得你会喜欢这个 你应该会开个玩笑
You would have made it easier; you'd say "tomorrow, I'm smoke."
Sitting on a hard chair, how far we have come
Trying hard to listen to your friends who have come
Some of them are famous, and some are just like me
他们有的很有名 有的和我一样
Trying hard to listen, trying hard to see
竭力倾听 竭力看清
Sitting in a hard chair; it's over, time to stand
坐在干硬的椅子上 是时候起立了
Some people are crying; I turn to grab your hand
有人在哭 我去握住你的手
It's your daughter, saying thank you
You, you would have made a joke
"Isn't this something," you say, "tomorrow, I'm smoke."
1.Harry's Circumcision (Reverie Gone Astray)
2.Dorita (The Spirit)
3.Dreamin' (Escape)
4.Power and Glory (The Situation)
5.Goodby Mass (In a Chapel Bodily Termination)
6.No Chance (Regret)
7.Warrior King (Revenge)
8.Magician (Internally)
9.Sword of Damocles (Externally)
10.What's Good (The Thesis)
11.Gassed and Stoned (Loss)
12.Cremation (Ashes to Ashes)
13.Magic and Loss (Summation)
14.Power and Glory Pat II (Magic Transformation)