Oft' my thoughts drift back to childhood
To the time when I was free
As I played before the fireside
'Round my darling Mother's knee
There's a blessed home up yonder
Where my loved ones wait for me
I saw Mother in a vision
Kneeling there to pray for me
Then one day our Mother left us
Daddy said she'd gone to rest
I remember how she loved me
As she clutched me to her breast
Some sweet day I'll meet you Mother
Your little boy is commin' home
To see you as in days of childhood
The one you loved and left alone
1.I'm A Man Of Constant Sorrow
2.The Drunkard's Hell
3.The Wandering Boy
4.Hey! Hey! Hey!
5.Let's Part The Best Of Friends
6.A Vision Of Mother
7.The White Dove
8.Gathering Flowers For The Master's Bouquet
9.Angels Are Singing (In Heaven Tonight)
10.It's Never Too Late To Start Over
11.Have You Someone (In Heaven Waiting)
12.Little Glass Of Wine
13.Let Me Be Your Friend
14.We'll Be Sweethearts In Heaven
15.I Love No One But You
16.Too Late To Cry
17.The Old Home
18.The Fields Have Turned Brown (78rpm Version)
19.Pretty Polly
20.Sweetest Love
21.The Lonesome River
22.A Life Of Sorrow