Edward Kelley

I must cry
I am a door to the quite wondrous house
I am the chimney to the fire
A window
So through I
your questions swiftly answered get
I am a scryer
Whatever I seem my light illumi natus est
I must cry
I am an ear to the pig-wigeon's hand
I am a wishbone to the choir invisible
Mesmeri... an element of fire to your drum
I am for hire
Whatever I be
rex meus et deus(拉丁语 king and my god)
I am the moon of astral spheres
That calls thee
I woo the spirits near
Their light surrounds me
Surrounds me
Disembowels me
I rush the slicer in their eyes
And clear the skies
(audio of occult incantation)
2.Apple Carts
4.The Marvelous Dream
5.The Dancing King
6.The Moon Exalted
7.O Spirit, Animate Us
8.The Golden Dawn
9.Temptation Comes in the Afternoon
11.Edward Kelley
12.Moon (Interlude)
13.A Man of England
15.9 Point Star
16.A Prayer
17.Tree of Beauty
18.Watching the Fire That Waltzed Away