Andy was a catholic
The ethic ran through his bones
He lived alone with his mother
Collecting gossip and toys
Every sunday when he went to church
He'd kneel in his pew and say
It's work
All that matters is work
He was a lot of things
What I remember most he'd say
I've got to bring home the bacon
Someone's got to bring home the roast
He'd get to the factory early
If you'd ask him he'd tell you straight out
It's work
No matter what I did it never seemed enough
He said I was lazy, I said I was young
He said, how many songs did you write
I'd written zero, I'd lied and said, ten
You won't be young forever
You should have written fifteen
It's work
You ought to make things big
People like it that way
And the songs with the dirty words
Make sure your record them that way
Andy liked to stir up trouble
He was funny that way
He said, it's just work
Andy sat down to talk one day
He said decide what you want
Do you want to expand your parameters
Or play museums like some dilettante
I fired him on the spot
He got red and called me a rat
It was the worst word that he could think of
And I've never seen him like that
It's work
I thought he said it's just work
Andy said a lot of things
I stored them all away in my head
Sometimes when I can't decide what I should do
I think what would andy have said
He'd probably say you think too much
That's cause there's work that you don't want to do
It's work
The most important thing is work
It's work
The most important thing is work
1.Nobody But You
3.Hello It's Me
4.Halloween Parade
5.Forever Changed
7.There Is No Time
8.Turning Time Around
10.NYC Man
11.Romeo Had Juliette
12.Egg Cream
13.Dirty Blvd.
14.*** With Your Parents (Mother****er) Part II
15.Slip Away (A Warning)
17.Magic And Loss (The Summation)
18.Busload Of Faith
19.Power And Glory (The Situation)
20.Endless Cycle
21.Trouble With Classicists
22.Sword Of Damocles (Externally)
23.Hang On To Your Emotions
24.Modern Dance
25.Goodby Mass (In A Chapel Bodily Termination)
27.Last Great American Whale
28.Future Farmers Of America
30.Cremation (Ashes To Ashes)
31.Faces And Names
32.Beginning Of A Great Adventure
34.Dreamin' (Escape)
35.The Proposition
36.White Prism
38.No Chance (Regret)
39.Sick Of You
40.Hold On
41.It Wasn't Me
42.Warrior King (Revenge)
44.Rock Minuet
45.Baton Rouge
46.Set The Twilight Reeling
47.Harry's Circumcision (Reverie Gone Astray)
48.I Believe
49.Good Evening Mr. Waldheim
50.Xmas In February
51.Gassed And Stoked (Loss)
52.Like A Possum
53.Power And Glory Part II (Magic / Transformation)
54.A Dream
56.Big Sky
57.Dime Store Mystery
58.Paranoia Key Of E
59.Dorita (The Spirit)
60.Mystic Child
61.Open House
62.What's Good (The Thesis)
63.Style It Takes
65.Finish Line
66.Trade In
68.Magician (Internally)