谁说非要传世 才赴生死
梦如火里取花 刀口吟诗
未尝过痛 怎见美
泼墨见山水 梵花开凄美
就算我卑微 也有资格沉醉
梦是我的原罪 画出我的世界
偏偏要享受 这幻觉
Sick and tired my heart is always broken
Silver warrior without destination
I'm not able to explain the reason
Tell me
Tell me
Tell me
I'm a bird I'm flying across the river
This is my land I'll never surrender
I'm so wounded but nothing can stop me
Wake up
Wake up my love
A thunderstorm is coming
Tiredness and pain keep weakening me
I'm almost desperate
This close to desperate
But I am too proud to say it
Sick and tired my heart is always broken
Silver warrior without destination
I'm not able to explain the reason
Tell me
Tell me
Tell me
I'm a bird I'm flying across the river
This is my land I'll never surrender
I'm so wounded but nothing can stop me
Wake up
Wake up my love
1.I’m Here (Live|Remix)
2.红昭愿 (Live|Remix)
3.Infinity (Live|Remix)
4.倍儿爽 (Live|Remix)
5.蒋亮-Drop Battle (Live)
6.Lazy Afternoon (Live|Remix)
7.Libertango 自由探戈 (Live|Remix)
8.Love Warrior (Live|Remix)
9.我怎么这么好看 (Live|Remix)
10.香料组合-Drop Battle (Live)
11.阳光彩虹小白马 (Live|Remix)
12.Anti General-Drop Battle (Live)
13.Lay U Down (Live|Remix)