I’ve had too many glasses of champagne
In London, Paris and Berlin
在伦敦 在巴黎 在柏林
I’ve lost my mind my heart and my dignity
然而我神迷心灰 又失去了尊严
All over the world
是取是予 是破是立
Has it been givin or takin? Fixin or beakin?
换言之 我究竟做了些什么
In other words, what have i done?
创新或因袭 摧毁或重建
Has it been New or repeatin? Destroyin/Rebuildin?
看到那么多姑娘 我充满了欢喜
And all the girls...well god i had fun
在洛杉矶 在斯德哥尔摩 在东京
I’ve had too many bottles of champagne
然而我却像绑在铁轨上的人 等待列车碾过
In LA, Stockholm &Tokyo
Tied myself to the tracks, waiting for the train to come
是取是予 是破是立
All over the world
换言之 我究竟做了些什么
创新或因袭 摧毁或重建
Has it been givin or takin? Fixin or breakin?
看到那么多姑娘 我充满了欢喜
In other words, what have i done?
Has it been New or repeatin? Destroyin/Rebuildin?
And all the girls...well god i had fun
1.Whatever This Town
2.Persona Gone Missing
3.Heads of the Gods
4.Devil Keeps Me Moving
5.Some of Us Got Paid
6.The Art of Letting Go
8.By Your Side
10.When You're Gone