F, A
Effed in the A
Effed in the A... with a D
With a D
Effed in the A
Effed in the A with a D
With a D
With a big, fat D
Effed in the A
Effed in the A
With a D
With a D
Effed in the A
Effed in the A
With a D, a D
A big, fat D
See-ee? See-ee what it's like to be flat out
Effed in the A (Effed in the A!)
Effed in the A (Effed in the A!)
Effed in the A with a D (With a D!)
With a D! With a D!
Effed in the A! Effed in the A with a big, fat D
With a D, with a D, oh, see-ee?
See-ee-see-ee-see what it's like to be flat out?
Effed in the A, effed in the A with a D
With a D, with a D
Effed in the A, effed in the A
With a D, a D
A big, fat D
See-ee what it's like to be?
Effed in the... A!
1.Phone In A Pool
2.Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, Movement 1
3.Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, Movement 3
4.Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, Movement 2
5.Capable of Anything
6.Not a Fan
7.I'm Not the Man
9.So There
10.Long Way to Go
11.Yes Man