What the **** happened
We're barely awake
Someone just made a terrible mistake
It's our time to exit
It better be fast
Or the repercussions are going to be bad
Eyes, piss, tears
It's just a shame
You might want to call it a day
She's scared for life and I want to erase this from my mind
For years
Burnt in our brains now all we see is
Eyes, piss, tears
Head for the door
Don't look back
You should have took cover
But who'd expect that
It got on the books and everything else
The police are coming let's head for the hills
A horrible way to being a week
When all we just wanted was a place to sleep
Eyes, piss, tears
It's such a shame
They're not going to forget that day
We're scared for years
Burnt in our brains now all we see is
Eyes, piss, tears
1.Drop the Gun
2.Slightly out of Focus
3.I Predict the Death of Harold Camping
4.Cycle of Violence
5.Eyes Piss Tears
6.Insanity Pleas(E)?
7.A Joke a Fraud a Fake
8.Rats in a Cage
9.We Know You're Hiding
10.Pay Check
11.Midlothian Murder Mile
12.The Debt Collector
13.I Ripped That Testament a New Asshole
15.Eat Shit and Live
16.Two Examples
17.Snake Chopper
18.Warp Your Mind
19.Walking Out