We'll drink together
And if we drink, we'll drink together, not alone!
We'll drink together
And when we drink, we'll drink together, not alone!
All for one, and one for all!
We'll drink together
Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then, how about a
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1.Under A Violet Moon
2.Home Again
3.Past Times With Good Company
5.Queen For A Day II
6.Minstrel Hall
7.Queen For A Day I
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11.Durch Den Wald Zum Bach Haus
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14.Mond Tanz ~ Child In Time ~ Mond Tanz
15.Mr. Peagram's Morris And Sword
16.Village On The Sand
17.Renaissance Faire
18.The Clock Ticks On
20.All For One
21.Black Night
22.Dandelion Wine ~ jo jo bizarre adventures