How do erase all of these attachments?
Let them slide How could I?
All the time Put it in with zero out
Now I’m lost in the background
How do get through all of these assessments?
Test my life How would I?
Fall behind Further back with every year
Now I’m only a souvenir
Don’t know what you’ve got
Until it’s far off and gone
Don’t know what you had
Until it’s out of your hands
Little feelings but how they ache
Like a habit I cannot shake
A little bitterness is all I taste
Want to have it not go to waste
Little wonder that I won’t forget
When we haven’t laid this thing to rest
A little bitterness is what is left
Like an error that we cannot correct
Got a feeling like this ain’t it
Like a habit I cannot quit
Got a bitterness all o’er my lips
Feel her slipping through my fingertips
Little wonder that I cannot give in
Like I haven’t ever been
A little bitterness is my only friend
Want to follow her until the end
1.Ils parlent de moi - プロムナード編 feat. マイカ・ルブテ
2.♭Tuning Up
3.♯まめ夫 序曲 ~「大豆田とわ子と三人の元夫」
4.Monday (Variation 1)
5.Morning (Variation Theme)
6.Falling in Love
7.鹿太郎のワルツ - オフィス編
8.Password 1
9.Password 2
12.Siesta (Variation 2)
14.Have a nice day! (Variation 3)
17.Break time (Variation 4)
18.Suddenly, comedy, fantasy
19.Ils parlent de moi - ほろ酔い編
21.Evil dream
22.Table talk (Variation 5)
24.from RISTORANTE “OPERETTA” (ReWork 01)
25.from RISTORANTE “OPERETTA” (ReWork 02)
26.鹿太郎のワルツ - 回想編
27.Good night (Variation 6)
28.All The Same