Count on MeThe Second Feeling
ResolutionThe Second Feeling
Apa Pun Tak BolehPop
Apa Pun Tak BolehApa Pun Tak Boleh
Mary MorisonKywitt! Kywitt! (Russian Edition)
The Dole of the King's DaughterSister simplicity
A Red, Red RoseThink Caprice
Merrymaking of the forest elvesElvenmusic
Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae FaeKywitt! Kywitt! (Russian Edition)
RequiescatGirdenwodan Part 1
I saw you weepSister simplicity
TwilightSister simplicity
She Walks In BeautyGirdenwodan, Part 2
We might danceGirdenwodan Part 1
Rhyme of LoreElvenmusic 2: The Evening of Iluvatar's Children
Far over misty mountainsElvenmusic
SageFairy World 5
A red, red roseSister simplicity
The mewlipsElvenmusic
Elves Beyond The SeaГномы Против Эльфов
TaerisSix Secret Words
Of True Thomas And Faerie Queen (L.I.N.E. Version)Think Caprice
Exit laorisElvenmusic 3 tales of the uninvited