Early Music Consort of London的歌曲列表
Double pipes - Virelai (Gracieusette)Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Recorder - English Te DeumInstruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Gemshorn - Chansonnette (Quant je voy yver retirner)Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Hurdy-gurdy - Chanson (Joliveté et bone amor)Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Clavichord - Ellend du hastInstruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
TrumpetInstruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
TrumpetInstruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
HarpInstruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Lyre - Goliard melody (O Roma nobilis)Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Psaltery - Hymn to St. Magnus (Nobilis humilis)Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Dulcimer - Madrigal (Tanto soavemente)Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Lute - Madrigal (Di novo é giunto)Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Mandora - Chanson (Amours que porra)Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Gittern - Virelai (Quant je sui mis)Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Citole - English danceInstruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Shawm - 2 Courantes from Newe teutsche weltliche Gesänglein, 1613Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Bowed lyre - Virelai (Comment qu'a moy)Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
TrumpetInstruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Crumhorn - Padouana from the Banchetto Musicale, 1617Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Tromba marina - Improvised fanfareInstruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Rackett - Caro ortolano from Il Primo Libro di Balli, 1578Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Curtal - Chanson (Ce qui souloit)Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Rebec - La septime estampie realInstruments of Middle Age and Renaissance
Rauschpfeife - Three Bransles Doubles from Terpsichore, 1612Instruments of Middle Age and Renaissance