Yuri Vostrelov的歌曲列表
RassypukhaAccordion Recital: Derbenko, E.P., Gridin, V.F., Kanaev, N.S., Konyaev, S.S., Podgorny, V.Y., Shenderev, G.G., Shishakov, Y.N., Joyce, A., Strauss II, J.
E.Derbenko. Concert fantasyRussian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
E.Derbenko. Concert variations on the theme of the Russian folk song "I Go by the Meadow"Russian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
V.Gridin. RassypukhaRussian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
V.Gridin. The Naughty TunesRussian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
N.Kanaev. Fantasy on the Theme of the Russian folk song "Thin Rowan-Tree"Russian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
S.Konyaev. ScherzoRussian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
V.Podgorny. Fantasy on the Theme of the Ukrainian folk song "Blow, Wind to Ukraine"Russian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
G.Shenderev. The Scenes of the VolgaRussian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
J.Strauss. Waltz "The Springtime Voices"Russian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
G.Shenderev. Vesnyanka and GopakRussian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
A.Joys. Waltz "The Autumn Dream"Russian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
Y.Shishakov. Fantasy The Scenes of UglichRussian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
E.Derbenko. The New QuadrilleRussian Performing School. Yuri Vostrelov
The Springtime VoicesAccordion Recital: Derbenko, E.P., Gridin, V.F., Kanaev, N.S., Konyaev, S.S., Podgorny, V.Y., Shenderev, G.G., Shishakov, Y.N., Joyce, A., Strauss II, J.
Fantasy "The Scenes of Uglich"Accordion Recital: Derbenko, E.P., Gridin, V.F., Kanaev, N.S., Konyaev, S.S., Podgorny, V.Y., Shenderev, G.G., Shishakov, Y.N., Joyce, A., Strauss II, J.
The Scenes of the VolgaAccordion Recital: Derbenko, E.P., Gridin, V.F., Kanaev, N.S., Konyaev, S.S., Podgorny, V.Y., Shenderev, G.G., Shishakov, Y.N., Joyce, A., Strauss II, J.
Vesnyanka and GopakAccordion Recital: Derbenko, E.P., Gridin, V.F., Kanaev, N.S., Konyaev, S.S., Podgorny, V.Y., Shenderev, G.G., Shishakov, Y.N., Joyce, A., Strauss II, J.
Fantasy On the Theme of the Ukrainian Folk Song "Blow, Wind to Ukraine"Accordion Recital: Derbenko, E.P., Gridin, V.F., Kanaev, N.S., Konyaev, S.S., Podgorny, V.Y., Shenderev, G.G., Shishakov, Y.N., Joyce, A., Strauss II, J.
ScherzoAccordion Recital: Derbenko, E.P., Gridin, V.F., Kanaev, N.S., Konyaev, S.S., Podgorny, V.Y., Shenderev, G.G., Shishakov, Y.N., Joyce, A., Strauss II, J.
Fantasy On the Theme of the Russian Folk Song "Thin Rowan-Tree"Accordion Recital: Derbenko, E.P., Gridin, V.F., Kanaev, N.S., Konyaev, S.S., Podgorny, V.Y., Shenderev, G.G., Shishakov, Y.N., Joyce, A., Strauss II, J.
The Naughty TunesAccordion Recital: Derbenko, E.P., Gridin, V.F., Kanaev, N.S., Konyaev, S.S., Podgorny, V.Y., Shenderev, G.G., Shishakov, Y.N., Joyce, A., Strauss II, J.
The New QuadrilleAccordion Recital: Derbenko, E.P., Gridin, V.F., Kanaev, N.S., Konyaev, S.S., Podgorny, V.Y., Shenderev, G.G., Shishakov, Y.N., Joyce, A., Strauss II, J.
Concert Fantasy On the Theme of the Russian Folk Song "Out On the Street"Accordion Recital: Derbenko, E.P., Gridin, V.F., Kanaev, N.S., Konyaev, S.S., Podgorny, V.Y., Shenderev, G.G., Shishakov, Y.N., Joyce, A., Strauss II, J.