Anything for MoneyRefresh the Demon
Voices and VictimsRefresh the Demon
Refresh the DemonRefresh the Demon
AwakenRefresh the Demon
ClareSchizo Deluxe
Something WitchySchizo Deluxe
WarbirdSchizo Deluxe
Invite ItSchizo Deluxe
PrideSchizo Deluxe
Maximum SatanSchizo Deluxe
Like Father, Like GunSchizo Deluxe
DriveSchizo Deluxe
Nothing to me (radio edit)Waking the Fury
Loving Sinner [Jeff Waters Vocal Verson]Criteria for a Black Widow
Back to the PalaceCriteria for a Black Widow
Jeff Waters SpeaksCriteria for a Black Widow
MendingCriteria for a Black Widow
Shallow grave (live)Waking the Fury
Double DareCriteria for a Black Widow
Nothing LeftCriteria for a Black Widow
Criteria for a Black WidowCriteria for a Black Widow
PuncturedCriteria for a Black Widow
BloodbathCriteria for a Black Widow
Prime-Time KillingWaking the Fury