Cornelius Cardew的歌曲列表
Octet '61 for Jasper JohnsMaterial
The Blackleg MinerConsciously
Treatise (1963-67): ICornelius Cardew: Treatise (1963-1967)
The Great Learning:Paragraph 7Cardew: The Great Learning / Bedford: Two Poems For Chorus On Words
The Great Learning:Paragraph 2Cardew: The Great Learning / Bedford: Two Poems For Chorus On Words
Himno De RiegoConsciously
Join in the FightConsciously
The East Is RedFour Principles in Irland
Sailing the Seas Depends on the HelmsmanFour Principles in Irland
Long Live Chairman MaoFour Principles in Irland
Hammer of the Working ClassConsciously
Solidarity SongConsciously
Revolution Is the Main Trend in the World TodayFour Principles in Irland
Founding of the PartyConsciously
Autumn '60 [Version LL]Chamber Music 1955-64: Apartment House
Second String TrioChamber Music 1955-64: Apartment House
Solo with accompanimentChamber Music 1955-64: Apartment House