Tokyo Police Club的歌曲列表
Tunnel VisionForcefield
Welcome to DaytrotterDaytrotter Studio 10-28-2010
Since U Been Gone10x10x10
Under Control10x10x10
Favourite ColourChamp
Your English Is GoodYour English Is Good
Wait Up (Boots of Danger)Champ
Breakneck SpeedChamp
Simple DudeSimple Dude
In A CaveElephant Shell
Nature of the ExperimentA Lesson In Crime
Toy GunsForcefield
Hot TonightForcefield
Feel the EffectForcefield
Gonna Be ReadyForcefield
Through the WireForcefield
Kim & Jessie (feat. Jamie Jackson of Hot As Sun)10x10x10
Nursery, Academy (Flower Forever Remix)Elephant Shell Extras
Not My GirlMelon Collie and the Infinite Radness (Part 1)
PCHMelon Collie and the Infinite Radness (Part 1)
The OceanMelon Collie and the Infinite Radness (Part 1)