Le Miroir De Musique的歌曲列表
Le souvenir (a 4)Tinctoris: Secret Consolations
Virgo Dei throno dignaTinctoris: Secret Consolations
Missa L’homme armé: KyrieTinctoris: Secret Consolations
O invida fortunaTinctoris: Secret Consolations
Helas, le bon temps que j’avoieTinctoris: Secret Consolations
Ar ne kuthe ich sorghe nonIn seculum viellatoris: The Medieval Vielle
In seculum viellatorisIn seculum viellatoris: The Medieval Vielle
Ricercar VIIThe Birth of the Violin
O sacrum convivium (Lauda)The Birth of the Violin
Mirabile mysteriumThe Birth of the Violin
Salve, sacrataThe Birth of the Violin
Se'l pensier che mi struggeThe Birth of the Violin
La mala vecchia - Il stoccoThe Birth of the Violin
Salve Regina misericordieThe Birth of the Violin
La RoseThe Birth of the Violin
Amor che me tormentiThe Birth of the Violin
La canella - Animoso - Cortesa padoanaThe Birth of the Violin
Rosa novum dans odoremThe Birth of the Violin
Vigesima settima - Da pacem, DomineThe Birth of the Violin
Ave MariaThe Birth of the Violin
De che te pasci amore - Carmen in solThe Birth of the Violin
Missus est Gabriel angelus (Motet)The Birth of the Violin
Ut queant laxis - Settuagesima nona - Centesima terzadecimaThe Birth of the Violin
O virgo miserere meiTinctoris: Secret Consolations