Le Miroir De Musique的歌曲列表
Ut queant laxis - Settuagesima nona - Centesima terzadecimaThe Birth of the Violin
Missus est Gabriel angelus (Motet)The Birth of the Violin
De che te pasci amore - Carmen in solThe Birth of the Violin
Ave MariaThe Birth of the Violin
Vigesima settima - Da pacem, DomineThe Birth of the Violin
Rosa novum dans odoremThe Birth of the Violin
La canella - Animoso - Cortesa padoanaThe Birth of the Violin
Amor che me tormentiThe Birth of the Violin
La RoseThe Birth of the Violin
Salve Regina misericordieThe Birth of the Violin
La mala vecchia - Il stoccoThe Birth of the Violin
Se'l pensier che mi struggeThe Birth of the Violin
Salve, sacrataThe Birth of the Violin
Mirabile mysteriumThe Birth of the Violin
O sacrum convivium (Lauda)The Birth of the Violin
Ricercar VIIThe Birth of the Violin
In seculum viellatorisIn seculum viellatoris: The Medieval Vielle
Ar ne kuthe ich sorghe nonIn seculum viellatoris: The Medieval Vielle
Helas, le bon temps que j’avoieTinctoris: Secret Consolations
O invida fortunaTinctoris: Secret Consolations
Missa L’homme armé: KyrieTinctoris: Secret Consolations
Virgo Dei throno dignaTinctoris: Secret Consolations
Le souvenir (a 4)Tinctoris: Secret Consolations
Fecit potentiamTinctoris: Secret Consolations