Jyc Row的歌曲列表
Nightmare Night (Jyc Row orchestral remix)Nightmare Night (Jyc Row orchestral remix)
The Magic Inside (Jyc Row orchestral remix)The Magic Inside (Jyc Row orchestral remix)
War Wounds {Multiverse War Sequel}War Wounds {Multiverse War Sequel}
Find the Purpose in Your Life (Jyc Row orchestral remix)The Purpose in Your Life (Jyc Row orchestral remix)
Magna Luna (2017 version)Alicornae EP
Land of EquestriaLand of Equestria
Magia Twilight (2017 version)Alicornae EP
Trixie Lulamoon, the Great ArchmageTrixie Lulamoon, the Great Archmage
Twilycorn, the Winged PaladinTwilycorn, the Winged Paladin
In Nomine Celestia (2017 version)Alicornae EP
Princess Tempora Main ThemeTimey-Wimey
Conflict in the SkyConflict in the Sky
Alicornae ~FINALE~ (2017 version)Alicornae EP
Legends of the EverfreeLegends of the Everfree
Multiverse WarMultiverse War
We're finally thereWe're finally there
Ave Cadenza (2017 version)Alicornae EP
More Cider! (w. Francis Vace)Jyc Row & Friends - Collabs Vol. 1
EQUALIZER (w. UndreamedPanic, ft. Agatan, Metajoker & MC-Arch)Jyc Row & Friends - Collabs Vol. 1
Chrysalis` Revenge VIP (ft. IbeConCept)Jyc Row & Friends - Collabs Vol. 1
バットポニー (w. lia;quo, ft. Kjellska)Jyc Row & Friends - Collabs Vol. 1
Horrified (ft. FritzyBeat)Jyc Row & Friends - Collabs Vol. 1
The Magic Flicker (w. Silva Hound, ft. EileMonty)Jyc Row & Friends - Collabs Vol. 1
Celestial Berserkers (w. Francis Vace, ft. IbeConCept)Jyc Row & Friends - Collabs Vol. 1