Girls Dead Monster的歌曲列表
Little Braver (Album ver.)Keep the Beats!
Thousand EnemiesKeep the Beats!
Crow SongCrow Song
AlchemyAngel Beats! PERFECT Vocal Collection
Crow SongAngel Beats! PERFECT Vocal Collection
My SongAngel Beats! PERFECT Vocal Collection
My SongCrow Song
AlchemyCrow Song
一番の宝物 (Yui ver.)Keep the Beats!
一番の宝物~Yui final ver.~一番の宝物 ~Yui final ver.~
My Soul,Your Beats! (Gldemo ver.)Keep the Beats!
Brave Song (Gldemo ver.)Keep the Beats!
Storm SongAngel Beats! PERFECT Vocal Collection
Day Game一番の宝物 ~Yui final ver.~
Last SongLast Song
Hot Meal (Another “Thousand Enemies”)Last Song
God Bless YouLast Song
Crow SongJ-アニソン神曲祭り[DJ和 in No.1 胸热 MIX]
Alchemy (Yui ver.)Keep the Beats!
My Song (Yui ver.)Keep the Beats!
一番の宝物 (Yui ver.) -Instrumental-Girls Dead Monster OFFICIAL BAND SCORE Keep The Beats!
Hot Mealrare tracks
Crow Songrare tracks
Thousand EnemiesThousand Enemies