High And DryHigh & Dry / Planet Telex
Street Spirit (Fade Out)The Bends
Lotus FlowerThe King Of Limbs
Subterranean Homesick AlienOK Computer
Burn The WitchA Moon Shaped Pool
Fitter HappierOK Computer
Fake Plastic TreesFake Plastic Trees
15 StepIn Rainbows
IdiotequeKid A
Creep (Radio Edit)Best Of British
Creep (Radio Edit)Monster Halloween Hits
Paranoid AndroidParanoid Android
High And DryHigh & Dry
Let DownOK Computer
My Iron LungThe Bends
There, ThereHail To the Thief
The BendsThe Bends
ReckonerIn Rainbows
2 + 2 = 5Hail To the Thief
Sail To the MoonHail To the Thief
Weird Fishes/ArpeggiIn Rainbows
All I NeedIn Rainbows
Jigsaw Falling Into PlaceIn Rainbows