Stomu Yamash'ta的歌曲列表
One WayThe Man Who Fell To Earth
Memory Of HiroshimaThe Man Who Fell To Earth
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:3. Die Sklaverei (Slavery - L'Esclavage)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:1. Die Welt (The World - Le Monde)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:2. Der CimarrónHans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:5. Der Wald (The Forest - La Forêt)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:7. Die falsche Freiheit (False Freedom - La Fausse Liberté)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:8. Die Frauen (Women - Les Femmes)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:12. Die Schlacht von Mal Tiempo (The Battle of/La Bataille de Mal TiempoHans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:10. Die Pfarrer (The Clergy - Les Prêtres)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:4. Die Flucht (Flight - La Fuite)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:9. Die Maschinen (The Machines - Les Machines)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:11. Der Aufstand (The Uprising - Le Soulèvement)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:14. Die Freundlichkeit (Friendliness - L'Amabilité)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:15. Das Messer (The Knife - Le Couteau)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:13. Der schlechte Sieg (The Evil Victory - La Mauvaise Victoire)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:2. Attempts At MolestationHans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:8. Attempted Return No.3Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:5. Introduction To The Difficult BourgeoisieHans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:7. Attempted Return No.2Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:9. GeodesyHans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:11. MetapenthesHans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:1. PlanimetryHans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:4. The Listless SpyHans Werner Henze Great Recordings