Stomu Yamash'ta的歌曲列表
MandalaThe Man Who Fell To Earth
Wind WordsThe Man Who Fell To Earth
One WayThe Man Who Fell To Earth
Memory Of HiroshimaThe Man Who Fell To Earth
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:3. Die Sklaverei (Slavery - L'Esclavage)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:1. Die Welt (The World - Le Monde)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:2. Der CimarrónHans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:5. Der Wald (The Forest - La Forêt)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:7. Die falsche Freiheit (False Freedom - La Fausse Liberté)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:8. Die Frauen (Women - Les Femmes)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:12. Die Schlacht von Mal Tiempo (The Battle of/La Bataille de Mal TiempoHans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:10. Die Pfarrer (The Clergy - Les Prêtres)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:4. Die Flucht (Flight - La Fuite)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:9. Die Maschinen (The Machines - Les Machines)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:11. Der Aufstand (The Uprising - Le Soulèvement)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:14. Die Freundlichkeit (Friendliness - L'Amabilité)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:15. Das Messer (The Knife - Le Couteau)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
El Cimarrón (1969-1970) - The Autobiography Of The Runaway Slave Esteban Montejo - Recital For Four Musicans:13. Der schlechte Sieg (The Evil Victory - La Mauvaise Victoire)Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:2. Attempts At MolestationHans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:8. Attempted Return No.3Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:5. Introduction To The Difficult BourgeoisieHans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:7. Attempted Return No.2Hans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:9. GeodesyHans Werner Henze Great Recordings
The Tedious Way To Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show For 17 Performers:11. MetapenthesHans Werner Henze Great Recordings