Tracing the UntraceableBlack Silence
For The War WithinPermanence
Final DownfallPermanence
Black ForestPermanence
RubiconBlack Silence
Mind Control Part IIPermanence
Eternal RecurrencePermanence
Heart of HopePermanence
Empty PrayersPermanence
Memories of OnePermanence
Blood of ImmortalityBlood of Immortality
An Ode to My FriendBlood of Immortality
Last CadenceBlood of Immortality
Sanguinolentus DesperatioBlood of Immortality
Eventual AcceptionBlood of Immortality
Letails SilentiumBlood of Immortality
Assassin of DeathBlood of Immortality
Flowers in the SandBlood of Immortality
Fear ComingBlood of Immortality
Saddest End of One Fine MorningBlood of Immortality
Affirmation for the DesperatedBlood of Immortality
Caesar of an OccasionBlood of Immortality