中国音乐地图之听见陕西 秦腔经典唱段

1.斩单童 Beheading Shan Tong
2.杨八姐盗刀 Yang Bajie Stealing Knife
3.狸猫换太子Civet Cat for Prince
4.周仁回府 Zhou Ren Returns to the House
5.五郎出家 Wu Lang Becoming a Monk
6.教学 Teaching
7.三滴血 误判 Three Drops of Blood . Misjudgment
8.数罗汉 Counting Arhats
9.玉虎坠 Jade Tiger Pendant
10.三滴血·念书 Three Drops of Blood . Reading the Book
11.走雪 Walking in the Snow
12.五典坡 别窑 Wudianpo . Farewell in the Kiln
13.三滴血 路遇 Three Drops of Blood . Road Encounter
14.三滴血 团圆 Three Drops of Blood . Reunion
15.打銮驾 Beat Luan Jia
16.打金枝 Hit Jin Zhi
17.火焰驹 Flame Colt
18.镇台念书 Studying in Town
19.三滴血 结盟 Three Drops of Blood · Alliance
20.黑虎坐台 Black Tiger Appearing
21.铡美案 后三对 The Case of Chen Shimei . Hou San Dui
22.永寿庵 Yong Shou An
23.铡美案 三对面 The Case of Chen Shimei · San Dui Mian
24.小开门 Small Opening