中国音乐地图之听见浙江 越剧唱段

1.红楼梦 劝黛 Dream of Red Mansions . Persuade Dai Yu
2.梁山伯与祝英台 我家有个小九妹 Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai . My Family Has a Little Ninth Sister
3.五女拜寿 哭别 Five Daughters Worshiping Birthday, Cry Goodbye
4.宝莲灯 二堂放子 Lotus Lantern . Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother
5.十一郎 Shiyi Brother
6.盘妻索妻 洞房 My Wife . Bridal Chamber
7.西厢记 寄方 The Romance of West Chamber . Ji Fang