中国音乐地图之听见陕西 陕北陕南民歌 说书集

1.小两口抬水A Couple Holding Water
2.大脚娘Woman with Big Feet
3.刮大风Big Wind Blowing
4.二十金丁下南唐 Going to Nan Tang
5.三十里铺 Thirty Mile Shop
6.赶牲灵 Drive the Draught Animals
7.摇三摆 Sway
8.夫妻识字 Spouse Literacy
9.老祖先留下人爱人 The Ancestors Left Lovers
10.掐蒜苔 Pinch Garlic
11.余家四反情 Yu Jiasi didn’t show
12.十二辰 24 Hours
13.绣荷包 Embroidering Pouch
14.金山问道 Learning Taoism on Mount. Jin
15.太阳出来一把火 The Sun is Scorching Like Flames
16.九连环 Chinese Ring Puzzle
17.打仙桃 Picking the Fairy Peaches
18.小小脚儿红绣鞋 Little Feet and Red Embroidered Shoes