中国音乐地图之听见江苏 昆曲经典唱段

1.西楼记 楼会 Western House Story . Meeting
2.牡丹亭 拾画 千秋岁 The Peony Pavilion . Painting . Qianqiusui
3.红梨记 醉皂 Hongliji . Zuizao
4.长生殿 弹词 The Palace of Eternal Youth . Tanci
5.长生殿 酒楼The Palace of Eternal Youth . Restaurant
6.荆钗记 前瞻 刮鼓令 Jingchaiji . Qianzhan . Scratching Drum Order
7.红梨记 花婆 The Story of Hongli . Hua Po
8.吟风阁 罢宴 Yinfeng Pavilion . Strike
9.西厢记 佳期 The Story of the West Chamber . Best Time
10.水浒传 活捉 Water Margin . Catch Alive
11.绣襦记 打子 Xiuruiji . Dazi
12.水浒记 借茶 Water Margin Borrowing Tea
13.牡丹亭 拾画 颜子乐The Peony Pavilion. Painting . Mr Yan’s Joy
14.荆钗记 见娘 刮鼓令 Jingchaiji . Meeting Mother . Scratching Drum Order
15.荆钗记 见娘 江儿水 Jingchaiji . Meeting Mother . The River
16.牡丹亭 写真 The Peony Pavilion . Portraying
17.玉簪记 偷诗 The Story of the Jade Clasp . Stealing Poems
18.金雀记 乔醋 The Legend of the Golden Bird Qiaocu
19.水浒记 情勾 Water Margin . Love Attraction
20.蝴蝶梦 说亲 Butterfly Dream . Telling Love