wu wu weix 4
wu wu wei running go away
wu wu wei I don’t care 我的世界
wu wu wei I don’t dry with my hunny
wu wu wei save me 为了I don’t care
wu wu wei 没的一切麻烦
wu wu wei my life even sth rock than
wu wu wei with my cary with my deruyyoung
wu wu wei bad thing 从没没有放心上
I don’t really far xxxx some like deruyyoung
I give all my children with my hounny 都一样
they gave me all my video my shine 你在心上
I feel so bad bad bad
I don’t rich I don’t dry
killing bust down when I feelling baby
I don’t rich I,run on swach
mommom tell me any can’t way no way
I don’t rich I don’t dry
all my money I don’t shxxx
I don’t rich I,run on swach
darking on mine假如没有你
I don’t want to 想要你
wu wu weix 4
wu wu wei running go away
wu wu wei I don’t care 我的世界
wu wu wei I don’t dry with my hunny
wu wu wei save me 为了I don’t care
wu wu wei 没的一切麻烦
wu wu wei my life even sth rock than
wu wu wei with my cary with my deruyyoung
wu wu wei bad thing 从没没有放心上