The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund): III. Adagio (Andante non troppo)

1.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Introduction (Allegro vivo - Andantino)
2.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Prologue The Christening: March (Moderato)
3.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Prologue The Christening: Scene Dansante (Moderato con moto)
4.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Prologue The Christening: Pas de six: I. Introduction
5.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Prologue The Christening: Pas de six: II. Adagio
6.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Prologue The Christening: Pas de six: III. Variation I, The Fairy of the Crystal Fountain (Allegro moderato)
7.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Prologue The Christening: Pas de six: IV. Variation II, The Fairy of the Enchanted Garden (Allegro)
8.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Prologue The Christening: Pas de six: V. Variation III, The Fairy of the Woodland Glades (Allegro moderato)
9.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Prologue The Christening: Pas de six: VI. Variation IV, The Fairy of the Songbirds (Moderato)
10.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Prologue The Christening: Pas de six: VII. Variation V, The Fairy of the Golden Vine (Allegro molto vivace)
11.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Prologue The Christening: Pas de six: VIII. Variation VI: The Lilac Fairy (Tempo di valse)
12.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Prologue The Christening: Pas de six: IX. Coda (Allegro giusto)
13.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Prologue The Christening: Pas de six: Finale
14.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act I The Spell: Scene (Allegro vivo - Moderato)
15.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act I The Spell: Valse (Allegro: Tempo di valse)
16.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act I The Spell: Scene (Andante)
17.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act I The Spell: Pas d'action: I. Adagio a la rose (Andante - Adagio maestoso)
18.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act I The Spell: Pas d'action: II. Dance of the Maids of Honour and the Pages
19.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act I The Spell: Pas d'action: III. Variation d'Aurore
20.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act I The Spell: Pas d'action: IV. Coda (Allegro giusto)
21.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act I The Spell: Finale
22.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Entr'acte et Scene (Allegro con spirito - Un poco più tranquillo)
23.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Colin-maillard (Allegro vivo)
24.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Scene (Moderato): I. Scene
25.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Scene (Moderato): II. Danse des Duchesses (Minuet) (Moderato con moto)
26.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Scene (Moderato): III. Danse des Baronnes (Gavotte)
27.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Scene (Moderato): IV. Danse des Comtesses (Allegro non troppo)
28.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Scene (Moderato): V. Danse des Marquises (Allegro non troppo)
29.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Farandole: I. Scene (Poco più vivo) -
30.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Farandole: I. Danse (Allegro non troppo)
31.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Scene (Prince Florimund and the Lilac Fairy)
32.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Pas d'action: Pas d'action (Aurore et Florimund (Andante cantabile)
33.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Pas d'action: Variation d'Aurore (Allegro con moto)
34.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Pas d'action: Coda (Presto)
35.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Scene (Allegro agitato)
36.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Panorama (Andantino: The Awakening)
37.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Entr'acte
38.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Entr'acte symphonique et Scene
39.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act II The Vision: Finale (The Awakening)
40.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Marche (Allegro non troppo)
41.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Polacca (Procession of Fairy-Tale Characters) (Allegro moderato e brillante)
42.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de quatre: I. Pas de quatre (Allegro non tanto)
43.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de quatre: II. Variation I, The Golden Fairy (Allegro: Tempo di valse)
44.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de quatre: III. Variation II, The Silver Fairy (Allegro giusto)
45.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de quatre: IV. Variation III, The Sapphire Fairy (Vivacissimo)
46.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de quatre: V. Variation IV, The Diamond Fairy (Vivace)
47.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de quatre: VI. Coda (L'istesso tempo)
48.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de caractere (Puss-in-Boots and the White Cat) (Allegro moderato)
49.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de quatre (Adagio): I. Pas de quatre
50.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de quatre (Adagio): II. Variation I, Cinderella and Prince Charming (Allegro: Tempo di valse)
51.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de quatre (Adagio): III. Variation II, The Bluebird and Princess Florine (Andantino)
52.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de quatre (Adagio): IV. Coda (Presto)
53.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de caractere: I. Chaperon Rouge et le Loup (Allegro moderato)
54.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de caractere: II. Cendrillon et le Prince Fortune (Allegro: Tempo di valse)
55.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas Berrichon: (a) Le Petit Poucet, ses freres et l'Ogre
56.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas Berrichon: (b) Coda
57.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de deux: Aurore et Desire
58.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund): II. Entree (Allegretto - Allegro moderato)
59.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund): III. Adagio (Andante non troppo)
60.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund): IV. Variation I, Florimund (Vivace - Prestissimo)
61.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund): V. Variation II, Aurora (Andantino)
62.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III The Wedding: Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund): VI. Coda (Allegro vivace)
63.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III: Sarabande
64.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III: Finale
65.The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66:Act III: Apotheose