Phantom Dance2014 World Championship
The time is now2014 World Championship
Cooldown2014 World Championship
Playing with power2014 World Championship
Athene's Unholy Break2014 World Championship
Break of the Ruined King2014 World Championship
Gnar,The Missing LinkGnar,the Missing Link
A New DawnA New Dawn
Pool PartyPool Party
LightbringerSmite and Ignite
Deathfire GraspSmite and Ignite
OhmwreckerSmite and Ignite
Last WhisperSmite and Ignite
The Hex CoreSmite and Ignite
The ProphecySmite and Ignite
ThornmailSmite and Ignite
Orb Of WinterSmite and Ignite
Vel'Koz,the Eye of the VoidVel'Koz,the Eye of the Void
LCU HeimerdingerLCU Heimerdinger
Lunar Revel 2014Lunar Revel 2014
Yasuo,the UnforgivenYasuo,the Unforgiven
Infernal NasusInfernal Nasus
Get JinxedGet Jinxed