NostalghiaNostalgia and Humility
NostalghiaSchnittke, Takemitsu & Weill: Violin Concertos
Rain DreamingSoliloquies
Rain Coming: Rain ComingMusic of the 20th Century „Avantgarde"-Vol.2
And Then I Knew ’Twas WindAnd Then I Knew ’Twas Wind
IIDecameron Negro
AirMusic for Solo Flute
Les Yeux ClosIngs
IDecameron Negro
IIIDecameron Negro
Rain Tree Sketch I (1982)Japan Piano 1996
And Then I Knew 'Twas the WindTrio Luminar Patricia DaDalt (Flauta), Lucrecia Jancsa (Arpa), Marcela Magin (Viola)
Toward the Sea, The NightConfronting Silence
VoiceFlute Vox
Wainscot PondEnergico
Over the RainbowEnergico
Toward the Sea, Cape CodConfronting Silence
Toward the Sea, Moby ****Confronting Silence
东京戦争戦后秘话武満徹・映画音楽选集3 大島渚&羽仁進監督作品篇
エディの勝利Rising Sun (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
ウェッブ,コナーに会うRising Sun (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
はなれ瞽女おりん武満徹・映画音楽选集2 篠田正浩監督作品篇
美しさと哀しみと武満徹・映画音楽选集2 篠田正浩監督作品篇