Weird Al Yankovic的歌曲列表
Craigslist (Main Version)Craigslist
Handle with Care (Live)Handle with Care (Live)
My BolognaStranger Things: Soundtrack from the Netflix Original Series, Season 3
Hey, Hey, We're the Monks (From "Galavant")Galavant: The Complete Collection (Original Television Soundtrack)
Dare To Be StupidTransformers: The Movie (20th Anniversary Edition)
Smells Like NirvanaDr. Demento's 25th Anniversary Collection
Bedrock AnthemThe Flintstones (O.S.T)
Funk DatI Love The 90's Volume 5
Season 2 Finale (From "Galavant Season 2")Galavant: The Complete Collection (Original Television Soundtrack)
Funk DatI Love The 90's Vol.5
Let Us Be Your FamilyGay Music Collection Vol.12
Christmas at Ground ZeroKevin & Bean's Last Christmas 1999
Homer & MargeThe Simpsons - Testify - A Whole Lot More Original Music From The Television Series