Violeta Parra的歌曲列表
Amigos tengo parlientosVioleta Parra Vol 1 - The Selection
Versos por la nina muertaVioleta Parra Vol 1 - The Selection
La muerte con antegosVioleta Parra Vol 1 - The Selection
Bella JovenGuitar Town Music
Amada PrendaGuitar Town Music
Tonada Por PonderacionGuitar Town Music
Viva Dios, Viva La VirgenGuitar Town Music
Verso Por DesenganoGuitar Town Music
Y También Quiro CasarmeGuitar Town Music
Nina HechiceraGuitar Town Music
La PetaquitaGuitar Town Music
Ya Me Voy A SepararGuitar Town Music
Adiós Del Corazón AmenteGuitar Town Music
Tonada Del MedioGuitar Town Music
La Muerte Con AnteojosGuitar Town Music
Verso Por El Rey AsueroGuitar Town Music
Cueca Larga De Los MenesesGuitar Town Music
Quisiere Ser PalomitaThat's Why The Moon Was Smiling
Parabienes Al RevésThat's Why The Moon Was Smiling
Presentación Y Comentario InicialThat's Why The Moon Was Smiling
Yo Vide Ilorar Un HombreThat's Why The Moon Was Smiling
En La Cumbre De Los AndesThat's Why The Moon Was Smiling
Verso Por La Nina MuertaThat's Why The Moon Was Smiling
Cuando Estaba ChiquillonaThat's Why The Moon Was Smiling