Vienna Boys' Choir的歌曲列表
Yulduz Usmanova, Shoch va gado (The king and the beggar).c+p Blue Flame Publishing, Germany
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Gegrüsst seist du Maria
Christmas in Vienna
Als Maria übers Gebirge ging (Magnifikat)
Christmas in Vienna
Maria durch ein Dornwald ging:Arr. by Uwe Theimer
Christmas in Vienna
Hirtenterzett (Tuet eilends erwachen):Arr. H. Froschauer
Christmas in Vienna
Gehts Buama stehts gschwind auf:Arr. by Cesar Bresgen
Christmas in Vienna
Süsser die Glocken nie klingen
Christmas in Vienna
Kommet ihr Hirten
Christmas in Vienna
Wa habibi
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
L'homme armé (The armed man)
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Josquin Desprez, O Domine I.II
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Antonio Caldara, Ego sum panis vivus (I am the living bread)
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Gerd Schuller, Sus X?tin, film version
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Haq Ali (Die Wahrheit, Ali). Qawwali from Pakistan
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Antonio Vivaldi, Gloria (excerpts)
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Antonio Vivaldi, Gloria (excerpts)
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Antonio Vivaldi, Gloria (excerpts)
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Veni creator spiritus (Come, creator spirit)
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Tarakihi (The locust). Maori song
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Field hollers from Tajikistan
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Guadifeng. Xiaodiao from Gansu, China
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Kou-lueull tsian. Craftmen's song from the Ordos region, China
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Gerd Schuller, Fao Dong Pe Medley, film version
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
Franz Schubert, Die Post (The mail)
The Vienna Boys' Choir - Silk Songs Along the Road and Time
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