Udo Reinemann
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part II No. 26: Aria: Ach seht, der allen wohlgethan (Ah see, he who has brought good to all) (Alto)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part III No. 29: Chorus: Hort den Simon von Kyrene (Hear Simon of Cyrene) (Chorus, Tenor)
Warnung. Poème tiré du receuil des plus belles oeuvres de poètes allemands, Hob. XXVc:6
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part I No. 1: Introduction and Quartet (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part I No. 4: Recitative and Terzetto: Da das Judas sahe (When Judas saw it) (Bass, Tenor, Bass)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part I No. 5: Recitative: Da sprach Jesus: Lasset Maria mit Frieden (Then said Jesus: Let Mary alone) (Soprano)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part I No. 6: Chorale: O du Zuflucht der Elenden (O thou refuge of the needy)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part I No. 7: Larghetto con moto
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part I No. 9: Lobet ihr Knechte des Herrn (Praise the Lord, ye servants) (Chorus of the Apostles)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part I No. 10: Recitative and Chorus: Und Jesus sprach: Mich hat herzlich verlanget (I have desire to eat this Passover) (Bass, Chorus)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part I No. 11: Recitative and Chorale: Da sie aber assen, nahm Jesus das Brot (After they had eaten, Jesus took the bread) (Bass, Tutti)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part II No. 13: Chorus and Recitative: Auf, mit Schwertern, Speer und Stangen (Up, with sword, spear and stave) (Chorus, Bass)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part II No. 15: Aria: Heil'ge Nacht, hell von der Liebe Schein (Holy night, bright with the shining of love) (Alto)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part II No. 16: Duet: Da traten herzu zweeen falsche Zeugen (There came two false witnesses) (Soprano, Tenor)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part II No. 17: Recitative: Und der Hohepriester stand auf (And the High Priest arose) (Bass)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part II No. 19: Aria: Weh' mir, wohin soll ich entfliehn? (Alas, where should I flee?) (Bass)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part II No. 20: Chorale: Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade (Ah, abide among us with thy grace)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part II No. 21: Recitative: Pilatus ging hinein in das Richthaus (Pilate went into the hall of justice) (Christ, Pilate)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part II No. 24: Lass ihn kreuzigen (Crucify him) (Chorus) - Recitative: Nun denn, ich bin unschuldig (I am innocent of the blood) (Pilate)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part II No. 27: Recitative and Chorale: Sehet, ich fuhre ihn heraus zu euch... (See, I bring him out to you...) (Tenor, Tutti)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part III No. 31: Recitative: Jesus aber wandte sich um (But Jesus turned and said to them) (Bass)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part III No. 33: Recitative: Pilatus, du hast auf's Kreuz geschrieben (Pilate, thou hast written on the cross) (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part III No. 35: Der du den Tempel Gottes zerbrichst (Thou who destroyest the Temple of God) (Chorus of the People)
Das Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (The Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant):Part III No. 39: Finsternis bedeckt das Land (Darkness covers the land) (Chorus)
Philidor : Le Sorcier - Comédie lyrique en 2 actes (1764)
Mozart : Lieder duos, trios & quatuors vocaux
Le salon de Rossini
Haydn - Intégrale des trios et quatuors vocaux
LOEWE, C: Suhnopfer des neuen Bundes (Das), 'Passion Oratorio'
2017 - 2025
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