Fortune Cookie-Box Synthesizer ManTobacco Saves Lives
Street Trash****** Up Friends
Human OmSweatbox Dynasty
Ming JulioRipe & Majestic (Instrumental Rarities & Unreleased Beats)
Nuclear Waste Aerobics 2Mystic Thickness
Six Royal VipersManiac Meat
SweatmotherManiac Meat
The Touch From WithinUltima II Massage
EruptionUltima II Massage
Eye PunchRipe & Majestic (Instrumental Rarities & Unreleased Beats)
The T-Bone MoralTobacco Saves Lives
Lick The WitchManiac Meat
Good ComplexionUltima II Massage
Out the DunesRipe & Majestic (Instrumental Rarities & Unreleased Beats)
Slaughtered by the Amway GuyRipe & Majestic (Instrumental Rarities & Unreleased Beats)
It's Not OverTobacco Saves Lives
Little Pink Riding Hood****** Up Friends
Lawn Care ServiceRipe & Majestic (Instrumental Rarities & Unreleased Beats)
Piss VaderRipe & Majestic (Instrumental Rarities & Unreleased Beats)
SpitlordUltima II Massage
Self TannerUltima II Massage
Got Wet in the Bomb ShelterGot Wet in the Bomb Shelter
Context (The Opportunity to Share the Doubts)Tobacco Saves Lives
WashedRipe & Majestic (Instrumental Rarities & Unreleased Beats)