Sleep DeprivedSleep Deprived
Latte (E2D Remix)Latte (E2D Remix)
Kittens ExpressKittens Express
Megalovania (Tenkitsune Electro Remix)Megalovania (Tenkitsune Electro Remix)
Hiya!Wonderland Dream
Forest FriendsForest Friends
Crazy Sprinkle Friends (Tenkitsune Remix)Crazy Sprinkle Friends (Tenkitsune Remix)
Animal Crossing (Tenkitsune 'Animal Friends' Mix) Animal Crossing (Tenkitsune 'Animal Friends' Mix)
Tree of the SanctuaryTree of the Sanctuary
Little Fox WonderlandLittle Fox Wonderland
Still LifeStill Life
Slack OffSlack Off
Awakening (Little Fox Adventure Mix)Little Fox Adventure
Palm Tree LovePalm Tree Love
Lotus OvertureLotus Overture
Bloom (Tenkitsune remix)Bloom (Tenkitsune Remix)
To The Phantomile!To The Phantomile!
Stardust AdventureStardust Adventure
Animal FriendsSummer Symphony
Phantomile WonderlandSummer Symphony
Summer Steps (Tenkitsune Remix)Summer Steps (Tenkitsune Remix)
Hope and dream and a cup of lattehope and dreams and a cup of latte
Taipei (Tenkitsune Remix)Taipei (Tenkitsune Remix)